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Weekly School Attendence And Academic Performance Report

Weekly School Attendence And Academic Performance Report

Briefly summarize the key findings in the report, including the number of students frequently absent, the number of students underperforming academically, and any overlaps between the two.

Findings Summary:

1. Attendance

  • A. Total number of absences per grade level.
  • B. Names and details of students with regular absences.
  • Student name
  • Grade level
  • Total absences
  • Excused/Unexcused absences
  • Any additional remarks

2. Academic Performance

  • A. Overall academic performance per grade level.
  • B. Names and details of students with academic underperformance.
  • Student name
  • Grade level
  • Average grade/Score
  • Subjects with poor performance
  • Any additional remarks


Based on the analysis, suggest actions to address the issues identified, such as intervention programs, parent-teacher meetings, or additional support for struggling students.

This report format should provide a comprehensive view of both attendance and academic performance issues. It can be adapted as needed to fit the specific circumstances of your school or class.

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