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Procedure for Saturday Schedules Effective from June 2023

1st and 3rd Saturdays:

1. Regular Classes:

  • Regular classes will be conducted for 1st and 2nd PU students.
  • These classes will be held until 11 AM.

2. Club Activities:

  • Immediately following regular classes, club activities will commence at 11 AM.
  • Club activities will continue until 1 PM.
  • Departments are expected to organize their meetings within this timeframe.
  • All meetings should be documented, and the proceedings must be shared with their respective groups.

2nd and 4th Saturdays:

1. Optional Classes:

  • classes for 1st and 2nd PU students may be conducted.
  • These classes can be conducted until 11 AM.

2. Mock and Subjective Tests:

  • Following the optional classes, mock and subjective tests for 1st and 2nd PU students will be held.
  • The exact timing for these tests will be announced later.

3. Biweekly Meetings, Training Sessions, Reviews, and Celebrations:

  • During the mock tests, biweekly meetings, training sessions, reviews, and celebrations will take place.
  • These activities will be conducted at the ELC campus.

4. Parent Meetings:

  • Parent meetings will be scheduled and communicated in advance.
  • The specific dates for these meetings will be provided separately.

This schedule aims to provide a well-structured framework for all the activities to be conducted for the 1st and 2nd PU students every Saturday. All staff members, students, and parents are requested to adhere to this plan.

If there is a 5th Saturday , there would be regular classes until 1PM

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