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Maintenance and Supplies Acquisition Policy

1. Purpose:

This policy seeks to ensure no delays in maintenance or acquiring small supplies necessary for classwork. It also ensures proper approval processes are followed and maintenance is performed by certified vendors.

2. Scope

The policy applies to all members of the school staff involved in the acquisition of supplies and maintenance activities.

3. Policy Guidelines:

3.1. Maintenance and Supplies Responsibility: All work that can be done by the in-house maintenance staff should be performed by them. Only when our team cannot address the issue should external maintenance be involved. 

3.2. Approval Process: All work or purchase requests must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant department. If the cost of parts and labor exceeds the pre-approved limit, the request must be approved by the management.  

4. Financial Limits for Approvals:

4.1. Certified Vendors: For certified vendors, if the repair cost (labor + parts) is less than Rs 5,000, it must be approved by the Program Coordinator/Administrator/Principal. If the repair cost exceeds Rs 5,000, it must be approved by the Director/Trustee.  

4.2. Non-Certified Vendors: For non-certified vendors, if the repair cost is less than Rs 2,000, it must be approved by the Coordinator/Administrator. If the repair cost exceeds Rs 2,000, it must be approved by the Management.  

5. Verification of Work Completion:

All completed works must be verified by the Program Coordinator, Principal, or the Board of Directors (BOD) before the invoices can be paid.

6. Petty Cash Process:

Petty cash is maintained by Manohar for CFAL INGUS and Shreelatha for TLC PU. Petty cash should only be used for urgent matters and with a spending limit of less than Rs 2,000 per transaction. All petty cash expenditures must be approved by Program Coordinators, Principals, or the BOD.

7. Recording Petty Cash Transactions:

Petty cash transactions will be recorded in the company’s general ledger expense accounts when the on-hand petty cash is replenished. The petty cash register must be maintained in an Excel spreadsheet, with all major transaction entries passed in Quickbooks.

8. Certified Vendor List:

  1. SVS, Tauro, and Partek – Computer
  2. Bhavani Associates/ Leela Tech – Printer
  3. Megha Associates – Water Purifier
  4. Royston – CCTV
  5. Sandesh Electrical – Electrical
  6. Sri Laxmi AC and General Electricals AC – AC
  7. Chitraksha – Masonry work
  8. Twin electronics – Sound system
  9. Janna / Kesav – Carpenter
  10. JP lights & Supra – Lights
  11. Priya Shamiyana – Chairs
  12. Baliga Sales – Furniture
  13. Hegde Racks – Racks
  14. Karkera – Generator  
This policy ensures the smooth operation of the school and efficient handling of maintenance and supply needs while also maintaining proper financial and operational oversight.
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